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Emily Redventure
Kinder Scout Adventure 1 of 12
This year I decided to run up 1 mountain a month, and I chose Kinder Scout as my first mountain for January. I need to figure out a way to record my voice when it's windy.
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Emily Redventure
Moel Siabod - Mountain 2 of 12
Second instalment of my 'One mountain a Month' challenge. I headed out to Snowdonia to climb Moel Siabod. I over came fears and made it to the top. I've been working on having the sound better, and also in wide screen.
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Emily Redventure
Yorkshire Three Peaks - 3 of 12
As part of my 'One Mountain a Month' challenge I decided to run the Yorkshire Three Peaks for March. Ingleborough, Pen-Y-Ghent and Whernside. 25 Miles covered in 7 hours 15 mins Music: "Laser Groove", "Exit the Premises" and "Spellbound" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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Emily Redventure
Ultra Tour of Arran - Day 1
This is the first day from my Rat Race adventure The Ultra Tour of Arran in April 2018. Warning - Explicit language used. Day one we explored the southern part of the Island. I switched off the Camera stabilisation feature accidentally, so a lot of the footage is shaky, but I'll work on that for next time. Music:
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Emily Redventure
Ultra Tour of Arran - Day 2 ; 4 of 12 Caisteal Abhail
This video is about my Ultra Tour of Arran Day 2 Second day of the race I have no energy left, but still manage to complete 21 miles including the mountain Caisteal Abhail for my One Mountain a Month Challenge. The music doesn't really go that well, and It ends abruptly because I didn't do a race debrief. But I chat too much anyway. Music:
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Emily Redventure
Helvellyn 5 of 12
My One Mountain a Month challenge for May was in the Lake District and Helvellyn. Music from Soundcloud: Stars Of Hope Across The Night by Amaria & Snowy Day by Middelthon
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Emily Redventure
Skiddaw 6 of 12 & Whinlatter Forrest parkrun
The next mountain for my #onemountainamonth challenge was Skiddaw. Number 6 of 12. I woke up super early to hit the mountain and be back down again in time to do Whinlatter Forest parkrun. Music - Royalty Free Music: "ON THE ROAD AGAIN" via Soundcloud
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Emily Redventure
Pointe Des Mosettes 7 of 12
My 'One Mountain a Month' for July was Pointe Des Mosettes in France/Switzerland. I trekked up to the top whilst I was on holiday in Saint Jean D'Aulps. Frustratingly my camera got dirty mid way through which ruined some of the amazing views I caught with my GoPro. It was also my first time on a ski lift! It was super fun. Music by Ben Sound - Cute
One Mountain a Month
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Emily Redventure
Weighted WOD a Week 1 - Ryan
I'm doing a weighted vest workout once a week. The workouts will be a CrossFit Hero workout, either women or Fire Fighters that have died in the line of duty. Today's workout is 'Ryan': RX is 5 rounds of: • 7 muscle-ups • 21 burpees Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach. I have scaled my workout to do 7 ring rows and 7 ring push ups instead of the muscle-ups. The video shows the first and last three reps of each movement. "Maplewood, Missouri, firefighter, Ryan Hummert, 22, was killed by sniper fire, July 21, 2008, when he stepped off his fire truck responding to a call. He is survived by his parents, Andrew and Jackie. First posted Oct. 8, 2008"
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Emily Redventure
Weighted WOD a Week 2 - Arnie
This week I did the Hero WOD Arnie. I wasn't looking forward to this workout very much, because the Turkish Get-up is a really technical move, and I've never been able to do them with very much weight at all. So I kept it light at 2.5kg, (taking into account the added weight of the vest) and the last set on my left side I was pretty much doing them singles. I opted for a dumbbell over a kettle bell for the over-head squats, as it's also such a difficult move, and I hate the way kettle bell rest on your wrists in that position. My Scale - With 7kg Weighted Vest For Time: • 21 Turkish get-ups right arm 2.5kg • 50 KB swings 12 kg • 21 Overhead squats left arm 8kg DB • 50 KB swings 12 kg • 21 Overhead Squats right arm 8kg DB • 50 KB swings 12 kg • 21 Turkish get-ups left arm 2.5kg RX: For Time - With a single 2-pood kettlebell: • 21 Turkish get-ups, right arm • 50 kettlebell swings • 21 overhead squats, left arm • 50 kettlebell swings • 21 overhead squats, right arm • 50 kettlebell swings • 21 Turkish get-ups, left arm Los Angeles County Firefighter Specialist Arnaldo "Arnie" Quinones, 34, was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, Aug. 30, 2009, during the Station Fire. His emergency-response vehicle went over the side of the road and fell 800 feet into a steep canyon during fire suppression activities protecting Camp 16 outside the City of Palmdale, California. He is survived by his wife, Lori; and daughter, Sophia Grace, born three weeks after his death. A fund for Arnie's familyhas been established by the Los Angeles County Fire Department. First posted May 29, 2010
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Emily Redventure
Weighted WOD a Week 3 - Hotshots 19
My Hero Weighted WOD a Week for this week is Hotshots 19. This seems to be quite a well known workout and I was looking forward to it because I love power cleans. Funnily enough it was the power cleans that did me in! The video shows the first and last three reps of each movement. My scale with a 7kg Dynamic Shield weighted vest was: 6 rounds for time of * 30 squats * 19 Power cleans at 25 kgs * 7 ring rows * Run 400 meters On June 30, 2013, 19 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team tragically lost their lives while fighting a fire in Yarnell, Arizona. Hotshots 19 honors the memory of these 19 heroes For more information, see "The 19," "This Is CrossFit"and "'We Rally' From the 'Hotshots 19' Memorial Event."First posted Aug. 31, 2013 RX - 6 rounds for time * 30 squats * 135-lb. power cleans, 19 reps * 7 strict pull-ups * Run 400 meters #redadventure #crossfit #crossfitoutwork #herowod #hotshots19 #firefighter #weightedwodaweek #weightedvest #dynamicshield #squats #powercleans #ringrows #400mrun #6roundsfortime #UKMQ #muddqueens #mudismymakeup
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Emily Redventure
Weighted WOD a week 4 - Bowen
This week felt pretty tough. Only three rounds and a small number of reps, but don’t let that fool you. I’d like to do this one again without the vest. Video shows first two and last two reps of each movement. Some sections speeded up for hilarity 😂 My scaled: 3 rounds for time wearing 7kg Dynamic Shield weighted vest * Run 800 meters * 7 deadlifts 50 kg * 10 burpee jumping pull-ups * 14 Single-arm DB Thrusters (7 each arm) 10 kg * 20 box jumps 20 inch box RX: 3 rounds for time * Run 800 meters * 275-lb. deadlifts, 7 reps * 10 burpee pull-ups * 53-lb. single-arm kettlbell thrusters, 14 reps (7 each arm) * 20 box jumps, 24-inch box Captain Jeffrey Bowen, of Alexander, North Carolina, died July 28, 2011. The 37-year-old was a 13-year veteran of the Asheville Fire Department, assigned to Rescue 3. Bowen was fatally injured while fighting a four-alarm fire in a medical building. He is survived by his wife, Stacey; son, Charlie Ray; and daughters, Robin Parker and Sarah. First posted March 8, 2015 #weightedwodaweek #redadventure #crossfit #crossfitoutwork #herowod #bowen #firefighter #dynamicshield #weightedvest #deadlift #800mrun #singlearmdumbbellthruster #boxjumps #burpeejumpingpullup #muddqueens #ukmq #mudismymakeup
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Emily Redventure
Weighted WOD a Week 5 - Harper
My weighted workout this week was a sneaky one (aren’t they all). Carrying the extra 5kg on the run (on top of the weighted vest) was a killer. Surprising how these things can throw you. Video shows first and last three reps of each movement. As I didn’t make it to the squats on my last round, the last three squats are from the round before. AMRAP 23 My Scale - wearing 7kg Dynamic Shield Weighted Vest: * 9 Ring Rows * 15 Power Cleans 25 kgs * 21 Squats * 400 meter run with 5 kg plate RX: * 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups * 135-lb. power cleans, 15 reps * 21 squats * 400-meter run with a 45-lb. plate Phoenix Firefighter Brad Harper, 23, of Peoria, Arizona, died while on the scene of a two-alarm fire on May 19, 2013. Harper loved being a firefighter and had worked with the Phoenix Fire Department, where he was assigned to Rescue 21, for two years. He is survived by his wife, Lena; three younger brothers, Ryan, Daniel and Jacob; and parents, Bob and Cyndy. First posted Dec. 26, 2015 #weightedwodaweek #redadventure #crossfit #crossfitoutwork #ringrows #powercleans #squats #400mrun #runwithaplate #herowod #firefighter #harper #ukmq #muddqueens #mudismymakeup #weightedvest #dynamicshield #amrap #scaled #imovie
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Emily Redventure
Weighted WOD a week 6 - Woehlke
I did my #weightedwodaweek yesterday, and I can confirm, doing sit-ups in a weighted vest is not pleasant! My core is sore today, and I have a bruised lower back where the plates were digging in, but hey, it’s all part of the fun. Woehlke was the WOD, (if anyone know how to pronounce this, please let me know, thanks) and it included 3 mins of rest between rounds (I like having rest in WODs, and 3 mins is ages!) Vid shows first and last two reps of each movement. My Scale: 7kg Weighted Vest 3 rounds, each for time of: * 4 jerks 25 kg * 5 front squats 25 kg * 6 power cleans 25 kg * 40 jumping pull ups * 50 ring push ups * 60 sit ups Rest 3 mins between rounds RX 3 rounds, each for time of: * 4 jerks, 185 lb. * 5 front squats, 185 lb. * 6 power cleans, 185 lb. * 40 pull-ups * 50 push-ups * 60 sit-ups Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Brian Woehlke, 29, of Detroit, Michigan, died at the scene of a fire in Westland, Michigan, on May 8, 2013. Woehlke graduated from the Schoolcraft Fire Program in 2008 and joined the Western Wayne Fire Authority in 2012. He is survived by his wife, Jennifer; daughter, Ava; parents, William and Elizabeth; brothers, William, Robert and Bradley; and numerous other friends and family members. First posted March 29, 2015 #redadventure #crossfit #crossfitoutwork #jerks #frontsquat #powerclean #jumpingpullups #ringpushups #situps #weighted vest #dynamicshield #herowod #woehlke #ukmq #muddqueens #mudismymakeup #firefighter #womenfirefighters
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Emily Redventure
Weighted WOD a week 7 - Scotty
I discovered today I have the most awkward looking burpees whilst wearing the weighted vest… Despite this WOD being only 11 mins long, it was pretty rank. I dislike wall balls and burpees at the best of times, and 18/17 reps aren’t ones I can bang out easily. Add the vest and I only got 2 full rounds in, but I was certainly done at the end. My Scale: AMRAP 11 - Wearing 7kg weighted vest * 5 deadlifts 65 kg * 18 wall balls 6kg * 17 over-bar burpees RX: AMRAP 11 * 5 deadlifts, 315 lb. * 18 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball * 17 burpees, over the bar Scott “Scotty” Deem, 31, of San Antonio, Texas, was killed while responding to a four-alarm structure fire on May 18, 2017. Deem and his fellow firefighters were searching the building for survivors, but after 11 minutes, Deem sounded a Mayday call. Rescuers were unable to locate him in time.Deem served with the San Antonio Fire Department for six years. The department is home to a non-profit CrossFit affiliate, where he worked hard to stay in peak physical health. His favorite workouts included The Chief, DT and Lynne. Deem is survived by his wife, Jennifer; and children, Dakota, Tyler and Aubrey (due August 2017). First posted June 16, 2017 #redadventure #crossfit #crossfitoutwork #herowod #firefighter #scotty #femalefirefighter #weightedvest #dynamicshield #deadlift #wallballs #baroverburpees #ukmq #muddqueens #mudismymakeup #amrap11
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Emily Redventure
Weighted WOD a Week 8 - Dork
The other day I did my 8th weighted WOD of the year. I did ‘Dork’. There are a few ‘Dork’ WODs around, but this is the official CrossFit one (which I’ve obviously scaled). It was a tough one, but I enjoyed it. I’ve got pretty rough skin burns from the vest though cos I wore a vest top. Guess I gotta get used to that with summer coming up. I really liked doing the single-unders in a vest, usually single-unders are too easy, and double-unders are too hard, so doing singles in the vest was perfect. My scale wearing a 7kg weighted vest: 6 rounds for time: * 120 single-unders * 30 KB swings 16 kg * 15 burpees RX: 6 rounds for time: 60 double-unders 30 kettlebell swings 15 burpees Men: 1.5-pood kettlebell Women: 1-pood kettlebell Boston firefighter Michael Kennedy, 33, of Boston, Massachusetts, died fighting a nine-alarm fire on March 26, 2014. Kennedy served with the Boston Fire Department for six and a half years and was a Marine Corps sergeant who served a tour in Iraq before that. He had a big presence in his local CrossFit community, coaching and training at several affiliates, including CrossFit Craic, CrossFit Florian, CrossFit Together and CrossFit HomeBase. He is survived by his girlfriend, Sarah Wessman, and many other beloved friends and family members. First posted Oct. 10, 2018 #redadventure #weightedwodaweek #crossfit #crossfitoutwork #outworker #weightedvest #dynamicshield #burpees #singleunders #skipping #kettlebellswings #UKMQ #muddqueens #mudismymakeup #dork #herowod #firefighter
Weighted WOD A Week
Hadrian's Cycleway First Part
Hadrian's Cycleway Part Two
Yorkshire Dales
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